Kitchen stores
Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Kitchen stores - QSA/1465
Dining room serving area
Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Dining room serving area - QSA/1466
Almoner Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Almoner - QSA/2161
"Enjoying her electrical bath". Galvanic electrical treatment
Approx 1926 This image appears in the NHNN Annual Report for 1926. Digitised by the Queen...
"Enjoying the treatment". After Polio Myelitis epidemic
1928 This photograph appears in the Hospital Annual Report for 1926. Digitised by the Quee...
Rules for in-patients
Approx 1880 NHNN/H/4 in CALM Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Rules for in-patients...
Press report of Lady Samaritan's fundraising fete
5 Oct 1896 Extract from The Daily Courier Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Press re...
Nursing History. 1860-1960
Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Nursing History. 1860-1960 - QSA/12223
Nurse Brown. National Hospital June 1937
1937 Nurse Brown. National Hospital June 1937 - QSA/2116
Nurses Gladys Ollerenshaw & Mabel Beardsmore
Nurses Gladys Ollerenshaw & Mabel Beardsmore - QSA/2115
Nurses Marshall, Wallis, Ethel, Mrs Gardner, Winnie
Nurses Marshall, Wallis, Ethel, Mrs Gardner, Winnie - QSA/2114
Zunz Ward. Patient Spelling
Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Zunz Ward. Patient Spelling - QSA/1333
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