Male nurses quarters
Residence view P Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Archive Box 114 Male nurses quart...
Women's nurses quarters, sister's room
Residence view G Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Archive Box 114 Women's nurses qu...
Inside the residences
Residence view C Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Archive Box 114 Inside the reside...
Catering staff at work. 1963
1963 Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Catering staff at work. 1963 - QSA/2423
Remedial exercise students at work. 1937
1937 Image produced for the Queen Mary Wing fundraising campaign. Digitised by the Queen S...
Child in the gymnasium
Physiotherapy B Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Child in the gymnasium - QSA/1193...
Two nurses playing table tennis
Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Two nurses playing table tennis - QSA/2107
Cafeteria & Bar
Approx 1948 Cafeteria & Coffee Bar, Photo No E384039. Restaurant view 2 Photo No 17486 Di...
Staff dining room. 1963
1963 Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Staff dining room. 1963 - QSA/1455
Nurses' Christmas choir
Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Nurses' Christmas choir - QSA/1429
Nurses' Christmas choir
Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Nurses' Christmas choir - QSA/1428
Nurses in restaurant
Photo No 17486 Aug 1993 Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Nurses in restaurant -...
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