Record information
Title: Case notes
Reference: NHNN/CN
Date: 1863 to 1946
Parent: The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery
Children: Ramskill, Jabez Spence: case notes, Gowers, William Richard; and Jackson, John Hughlings: case notes, Radcliffe, Charles Bland: case notes, Buzzard, Thomas: case notes, Bastian, (Henry) Charlton: case notes, Miscellaneous case notes (medical case registers), Broster, Arthur Erdswick: case notes, Jackson, John Hughlings: case notes, Gowers, Sir William Richard: case notes, Radcliffe, Charles Bland; and Gowers, William Richard: case notes, Ferrier, David; Bastian, (Henry) Charlton; and Gowers, William Richard: case notes, Gowers, William Richard; and Bastian, (Henry) Charlton: case notes, Ferrier, David: case notes, Bastian, (Henry) Charlton; and Ramskill, Jabez Spence: case notes, Buzzard, Thomas; and Beevor, Charles Edward: case notes, Beevor, Charles Edward; and Ramskill, Jabez Spence: case notes, Beevor, Charles Edward: case notes, Ormerod, Joseph Arderne: case notes, Tooth, Howard Henry: case notes, Taylor, James: case notes, Russell, James Samuel Risien: case notes, Turner, William Aldren: case notes, Batten, Frederick Eustace: case notes, Collier, James Stansfield: case notes, Buzzard, Sir (Edward) Farquhar: case notes, Stewart, Thomas Grainger: case notes, Holmes, Sir Gordon Morgan: case notes, Wilson, Samuel Alexander Kinnier: case notes, Howell, Conrad Meredyth Hinds: case notes, Miscellaneous case notes, Saunders, Percy Whittington: case notes, Walshe, Sir Francis Martin Rouse: case notes, Adie, William John: case notes, Birley, James Leatham: case notes, Riddoch, George: case notes, Martin, James Purdon: case notes, Symonds, Sir Charles Putnam: case notes, Critchley, Macdonald: case notes, Carmichael, Edward Arnold: case notes, Denny-Brown, Derek Ernest: case notes, Brinton, Denis Hubert: case notes, Elkington, John St Clair: case notes, Jackson, Harvey: case notes, Stewart, Thomas Grainger; and Howell, Conrad Meredyth Hinds: case notes, Howell, Conrad Meredyth Hinds; and Riddoch, George: case notes, Stewart, Thomas Grainger; Hallpike, Charles Skinner; Jackson Harvey; and Hughes, E B C: case notes, Miscellaneous case notes, Hallpike, Charles Skinner: case notes, Hallpike, Charles Skinner; McArdle, Michael John Francis; Meadows, Swithin Pinder; Slater, Eliot Trevor Oakeshott; and Williams, Denis John: case notes, Hardwick, H L T J; McKissock, Wylie; and Taylor, Julian: case notes, Jewesbury, Eric: case notes, Mervyn Peake case notes, Case notes
Storage Reference: 1,246 volumes
Date: 1863-1946 Level: Section Finding aids: Index to case notes by disease for period 1863-1904. Cat status: In progress
Keywords: Calm Archives
Compilations: NHNN archives
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