1st March


Press cuttings: general Mar 1936 - Apr 1937 NHNN/PC/6/11

From the Evening Telegraph & Post


“Warmest congratulations and sincere thanks to patrons, manager and staff of King’s Cinema for a splendid response to urgent film appeal National Hospital for Nervous Diseases, Queen Square, during last week. Amount collected £81 3s 10d – Sir George Broadbridge, Lord Mayor.”

The above telegram was received from London this afternoon by Mr R C Harvey, manager of the King’s Theatre, Dundee.

Threepenny bits figured largely in the total. Over 720 of them were collected on Saturday on which date the total yield was £21. About 35s of this was made up of coppers.

One 10s note was found in the boxes. An average of £2 to £4 in large silver was collected each day, and about £4 in sixpenny pieces.


On This Day is a diary of day to day life in the Hospital covering 1859 to the 1940’s.

Extracts are taken from the staff records, letters, the reports of the Matron and the Lady Superintendent, and the minutes of the Board of Management and the Medical Committee. They were compiled with the help of Janet Townsend, Frankie Alves, Louise Shepherd, Michael Clark and Liz Yamada

The item of the month also contains items highlighted by archive staff.