Record information
Title: Receipts and bequests: synopsis and register
Reference: NHNN/EF/2/1
Date: 1861 to 1908
Description: The volume is divided into two parts. The first part contains a synopsis of receipts, listing amounts of annual subscriptions, donations, dividends and interests, rents, collections, and tea and sugar (totalled together as general purposes), legacies and endowments, Convalescent Fund, Pension Fund, special contributions, and returns and cross entries, by year and month, 1867-1889. The second part contains a register of bequests, listing date of notice, testator's name, late address, date of proving, amount of bequest, description, extract from will, executors, address of executors, and when received, 1861-1908, with some later additions. The volume encloses aphabetical index of testators, and agreements to contribute to The National Hospitals for Nervous Diseases, 1960-1974.
Parent: Receipts and bequests: records
Storage Reference: 1 volume [Vol 196; enclosures: index with volume, other papers Box 73]
Date: 1861-1908 Level: File
Keywords: Fundraising and Publicity Cat status: Catalogued Term: Fundraising
Keywords: Calm Archives
Compilations: NHNN archives
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