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'The National Illustrated': volume 1, number 1

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Record information

Title: 'The National Illustrated': volume 1, number 1

Reference: NHNN/EF/24

Date: 1935

Description: Price: one penny (donation). Includes an article on the Chandlers, a full page fund-raising article, brief descriptions of leading figures form the early Medical Staff, a collection of photogrraphic images entitled 'Behind the scenes at the world's greatest hospital for nervous diseases', an article entitled 'Research in a cellar', an article entitled 'The boy who wouldn't grow up', an article entitled 'His parents sold the last cow', references to the Convalescent Home at East Finchley, the Ladies. Samaritan Society and Lonsdale House, and information for donors.


Parent: Events and fund-raising at the National Hospital

Storage Reference: 10 items [Plan Chest drawer 8]



Date: 1935 Level: Series Admin history: Lonsdale House was placed under the administration of the National Hospital in 1918 by the Ministry of Pensions for the treatment of incurably paralysed servicemen. It closed in 1936.

Keywords: The National Illustrated,Fundraising and Publicity,Chandler Johanna,Chandler Louisa,Convalescent Home at East Finchley,Lonsdale House,Lady Samaritans Cat status: Catalogued Term: Fundraising

Keywords: Calm Archives

Compilations: NHNN archives

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