Film footage

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Gait : a film of patients with disorders affecting gait made by Dr E.A. Carmichael in Queen Square in 1953

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Record information

Title: Gait : a film of patients with disorders affecting gait made by Dr E.A. Carmichael in Queen Square in 1953

Reference: QSA/19617

Date: Approx 1 Jan to 31 Dec 1953

Description: This 32 minute colour film is a classic and remains a fitting memorial to Dr Carmichael (1896-1978) who was Director of the MRC neurological research unit in Queen Square, as well as a physician at the National Hospital. It illustrates physiological mechanisms of movement by using examples of nervous disorders affecting gait. The film includes description and video of patients with defects of muscle, loss of peripheral nerve, damage to spinal cord, disturbance of pyramidal function, defects in sensation, cerebellar disturbance and abnormal movements. It was widely used in teaching until 1969

Creator: Dr E.A. Carmichael, assisted by Miss K. M. Hern, with new captions by Professor Andrew Lees. Directed and photographed by Cyril Jenkins. Produced by ICI Film Unit

Storage Reference: Online only

Acquisition: A gift to the archives from Professor Andrew Lees


Keywords: Carmichael Edward Arnold, Individuals, People, Sources, Video and Film

Compilations: Film footage

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