Film footage

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Short film of Dr James Purdon Martin

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Record information

Title: Short film of Dr James Purdon Martin

Reference: QSA/19621

Date: Approx 1 Jan 1960 to 31 Dec 1969

Description: Dr James Purdon Martin (1893-1984) was born on a farm in County Antrim and died at his home in Queen Square, London . After a house appointment in Liverpool he moved to the National Hospital and three years later in 1925 was appointed to the Consultant Staff and in 1945 he became the first Dean of the newly constituted Institute of Neurology. In his book the Basal Ganglia and Posture published in 1967 after his retirement from the staff at the National Hospital, Purdon Martin described important original research investigations on balance disturbances in post-encephalitic Parkinson’s disease and Wilson’s disease. This along with his earlier report of hemiballismus due to a partial lesion of the contralateral subthalamic nucleus came to be considered his most important contributions to our understanding of neurology. The residual mental disturbances were so profound in many of the child survivors that, in 1925, the Metropolitan Asylums Board established a unit at the Northern Hospital, Winchmore Hill (later to become known as Highlands Hospital) to take 100 of the most severe cases for residential care. Kinnier Wilson was appointed to the staff of this hospital, but is said to have visited only occasionally. He did, however, publish extensively on post-encephalitic parkinsonism and his description of the pandemic in his textbook Neurology remains a valuable source of information. Physicians were now forced to acknowledge that an infectious disease could lead to an irreversible clinical syndrome closely resembling the shaking palsy. See also: * A film of on balance and posture in patients with post-encephalitic Parkinsonism made by Dr James Purdon Martin in the 1960s * Patients with post-encephalitic Parkinson's Disease at Highlands Hospital in Winchmore Hill in the 1960s

Creator: Dr Purdon Martin, with acknowledgements to Dr. Sharkey (Highlands Hospital), & Mr. Prickett (Department of Medical Illustration, Institute of Neurology).

Storage Reference: Online only

Acquisition: A gift to the archives from Professor Andrew Lees


Keywords: Individuals, People, Purdon Martin James, Sources, Video and Film

Compilations: Film footage

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