3rd April


Board of Management Minutes: Nov 1859 – Jan 1865 NHNN/A/4/1

Dr Echeverria having been called in, examined and testimonials produced, it was resolved that he be recommended as a fit and proper person for the office of Resident House Surgeon, he being the only candidate after writing to seven hospitals and that the Board do proceed to his election next meeting.

It was resolved that Mr Yarde, chemist, Lamb’s Conduit street be appointed to supply and dispense the drugs under Mr Clarke’s kind supervision at cost price and the sum of thirty pounds per month.

It was resolved that W.E. Jeffries and his wife Ann Jeffries be appointed, the former as Porter, the latter as Cook and General Servant, at the rate of forty pounds and board as per agreement.


Secretary’s Letter Book: NHNN/A/31

To A. George Baleman Esq

Dear Sir,

We had a male nurse, who appears to have commenced training in 1898, named Horace George Valentine C. This I think is the man you refer to in your letter of yesterday’s date. C had charge of our Electrical Room from September ’99 to October 1900. He gave himself out to be a Bachelor of Science.

This man has been to see our Lady Superintendent quite recently.

The late matron’s note in the staff record book is as follows:

“Was apparently obliging, but not actually so. Fair nurse. Very conceited. I never quite knew what he was about. Rather inclined to shirk ward-work.”

Yours faithfully,

Godfrey H. Hamilton (secretary)


On This Day is a diary of day to day life in the Hospital covering 1859 to the 1940’s.

Extracts are taken from the staff records, letters, the reports of the Matron and the Lady Superintendent, and the minutes of the Board of Management and the Medical Committee. They were compiled with the help of Janet Townsend, Frankie Alves, Louise Shepherd, Michael Clark and Liz Yamada

The item of the month also contains items highlighted by archive staff.