13th February


Lady Superintendent reports NHNN/A/4/6

J. Lawrence – reports from 2 January 1905 to23 November 1915

‘I should be glad if the Board could see their way to an alteration in Rule 208 (Ward Sisters) which necessitates all visitors (on other than visiting days) coming to me for a pass. I find such constant interruption a great hindrance to my work in the office, and as the Sisters know the circumstances of each patient I think it would be more convenient if they were authorized to give, or withhold permission.’


Board of Management Minutes: Dec 1907 – Apr 1917 NHNN/A/4/7

The Secretary having had enquiries in respect of Mr W. Norman Harley, who advertised himself as coming from the National Hospital, reported that Mr Harley claimed to be the same person as a Mr Flemmer who received a certificate in Massage training in 1902. It was resolved to ask the solicitors to write to Mr Harley saying that there is no record of anyone of this name having trained in massage at the Hospital and asking him to discontinue the use of the name of the Hospital.


On This Day is a diary of day to day life in the Hospital covering 1859 to the 1940’s.

Extracts are taken from the staff records, letters, the reports of the Matron and the Lady Superintendent, and the minutes of the Board of Management and the Medical Committee. They were compiled with the help of Janet Townsend, Frankie Alves, Louise Shepherd, Michael Clark and Liz Yamada

The item of the month also contains items highlighted by archive staff.