Record information

Title: Receipts and expenditure

Reference: NHNN/F/4

Date: 1891 to 1897

Description: Double entry ledger listing annual subscriptions; donations; legacies; in-patients payments; outpatients; contribution boxes; Hospital Sunday Fund; Hospital Saturday Fund; sale of astronomical instruments; sale of photographs; provisions; ice and mineral water; Secretary's salary; official salaries; beer etc; malt liquors; wines and spirits; salaries and wages; stamps etc; official postage and telegrams; drugs etc; water; fuel and lighting; furniture etc; appeals; sundries and domestic expenses; Samaritan Fund; instruments and appliances; rent, rates, taxes, insurance; garden; washing, cleaning and chandlery; uniforms; incidental expenses; sundries, management; printing etc; official advertisements; repairs etc; investments; building improvements; dividends; Friendly Societies demonstration; annuity for payments of ground rent; income tax returned; publication of song; sale of song; law expenses; entertainments; and Prince of Wales Fund, by year, month and week. Index at front of volume; balance sheet at rear of volume.


Parent: Financial records

Storage Reference: 1 volume [Vol 203]



Date: 1891-1897 Level: Series

Keywords: Back Yard and Hospital Garden Cat status: Catalogued

Keywords: Calm Archives

Compilations: NHNN archives

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