Record information

Title: History of nursing education at the National Hospital

Reference: NHNN/HIST/39


Description: Includes Drinker Respirator diagram 1950; Gait Neurological video (Carmichael); 2 NHNN coasters, 2 NHNNN brooches, 1 NHNN medal; 3 photos of Seaman Service students 1974; 2 photos of Queen Square; 2 photos of nursing students from Hospital of St John and St Elizabeth; 3 photos of respirators; neuromedical and neurosurgical nursing course handbooks; nursing certificates; case for redevelopment (recruitment material); files of correspondence, including Matron Ling and Sister Rubin; lecture notes on respirators, nurse education and history, NHNN centenary, neurological conditions and treatments; booklets on respirators. wax moulage of nerves of face in a box; resin cast of ventricular system; graduation photographs; events ephemera (certificate presentations 1993); NHNN Nursing Studies Unit annual report (1989/90), NHNN Department of Nurse Education report (1990-1); NHNN strategy document 1986-1991; NHNN Annual review documents (1987-88, 1989, 1990/91, 1991/92); Short Term Programme documents (1988/89, 1989/90, 1990/91), NHNN strategic outline (1991-96), NHNN education strategy 1986-91, 1991-95)


Storage Reference: 1 file [Box 163 and 164]

Acquisition: Donated by Thomas Aird, December 2015


Level: File

Keywords: Cat status: Catalogued Language: English

Keywords: Calm Archives

Compilations: NHNN archives

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