Record information
Title: Gowers, Sir William Richard: Hughlings Jackson lecture, 1909 - part of draft of lecture
Reference: NHNN/RES/1/3
Date: Approx 1909
Description: [Found with NHNN/RES/1/1 (Part 1)] Incomplete paper, 5pp, detailing the case of James S, aged 45, who was admitted to the National Hospital on 18 May 1904, and who had been suffering with fits since being struck on the head by a piece of coal in 1902. The paper contains a reference to Gordon Holmes. The paper is accompanied by a further page of notes containing the names of a number of authors of works on neurology.
Storage Reference: 1 item, 6pp [Box 38]
Date: c1909 Level: File Admin history: The main portion of the manuscript probably represents part of an earlier draft for Gowers’ Hughlings Jackson lecture, 1909, corresponding to pages 321-323 of the version eventually published in Brain, Part 4, 1909. The page of notes probably represents notes for expansion of the same lecture, as the names of all the neurological authors mentioned there are incorporated in the first page of the published version.
Keywords: Gowers Sir William Richard,Research and clinical publications Cat status: Catalogued Publn note: ‘The Hughlings Jackson lecture on special sense discharges from organic disease’, Brain, Part 4, 1909, pp303-326 Person key: Gowers; Sir; William Richard (1845-1915); physician Holmes; Sir; Gordon Morgan (1876-1965); neurologist
Keywords: Calm Archives
Compilations: NHNN archives
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