Title: The Devil's Conduit was moved to New River Head in 1927. During demolition work for an extension to the Imperial Hotel, Russell Square, in 1911–13, the conduit head was rescued by Charles FitzRoy Doll, the hotel's architect.
Reference: QSA/15226
Calm archive record: NHNN/P/106
Description: Comprising upper and lower chambers, the latter barrel-vaulted and ashlar-lined, it was constructed in the fourteenth century as the conduit head or tank at the upper end of the pipes that supplied water to the Greyfriars monastery (later Christ's Hospital) on Newgate Street.
Creator: Digitised by the Queen Square Library, Archive and Museum
Storage Reference:
‘New River Head’, Survey of London: volume 47: Northern Clerkenwell and Pentonville (2008), pp. 165-184. URL: http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=119441
Keywords: 20 Queen Square, Queen Square and Gardens, Scanned Images
Compilations: Queen Square and the surrounding area
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