Title: Consultant Group Photograph June 1960
Reference: QSA/15331
Date: 1960
Creator: Digitised by the Queen Square Library, Archive and Museum
Storage Reference:
NHNN/P/111/005. ION Medical Phtography Photo No 5047 (22.6.1960)
Keywords: Beaver Robert Atwood, Blackwood William (Beachey), Brinton Denis Hubert, Bull James WD, Carmichael Edward Arnold, Cawthorne Sir Terence Edward, Centenary, Cobb William A (Bill), Consultants, Critchley Macdonald, Cumings John N, Dawson George, Documents, Earl Christopher John, Elkington John St Clair, Gilliatt Roger W, Gooddy William Walton, Group Photographs, Hallpike Charles Skinner, Jackson Harvey, Kremer Michael JG, Mair William GP (Bill), Marrack D, Marshall John, McArdle Michael John Francis (Sean), McKissock Sir Wylie, Meadows Swithin Pinder, Medical staff, Scanned Images, Shorvon Hyam Joseph (Joe), Williams Denis John
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