Queen Square: A Mike Dineen-Bedford Productions Film for the National Hospital Development Foundation

Record information

Title: Queen Square: A Mike Dineen-Bedford Productions Film for the National Hospital Development Foundation

Reference: QSA/19616

Date: 1 Jan 1988

Description: 13 minute colour fundraising film featuring patients and staff of the National Hospitals and the Institute of Neurology, including a visit from Diana, Princess of Wales.

Creator: Written, Produced and Directed by Mike Dineen; Narrator - Paul Vaughan; Film cameraman - John Warwick; Editor - Arthur Solomon

Storage Reference: Online only

Acquisition: A gift to the Archives by Professor Andrew Lees


The film was made with a grant in aid from Merck Sharp and Dohme.

Keywords: Albany Wing, Albany Wing including Hospital Frontage, Buildings and Places, Diana Princess of Wales, Events and Activities, Individuals, Marsden Charles David, Marsden Charles David (David), Marshall John, Miller David H, People, Princess Diana, Queen Square, Royal Visits, Sources, Thomas David Glyndor Trehane, Thomas David Glyndor Trehane, Video and Film

Compilations: Film footage

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