Record information

Title: Photographs: Medical Library - portraits of neurologists

Reference: UCL/ION/P/2

Image record: QSA/15364

Date: Approx 1910 to 2000

Description: Rockefeller Medical Library albums of photographic portraits of eminent neurologists. The portraits cover both members of the medical staff of the Hospital and neurologists from elsewhere in Europe. Alphabetically arranged.


Parent: Photographs

Children: Photographs: William John Adie, Photograph: Théophile Alajouanine, Photograph: Joseph Jules François Félix Babinski, Photograph: Sir Charles Alfred Ballance, Photographs: Henry Charlton Bastian, Photograph: Frederick Eustace Batten, Photograph: Charles Edward Beevor, Photograph: Walter Russell Brain, first Baron Brain, Photograph: Pierre Paul Broca, Photograph: Bernard Brouwer, Photograph: Oswald Bumke, Photograph: Edward Farquhar Buzzard, Photograph: Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Photograph: Edward Arnold Carmichael, Photograph: Jean-Martin Charcot, Photographs: James Stansfield Collier, Photographs: Macdonald Critchley, Photograph: unknown, Photograph: Joseph Jules Déjerine, Photographs: Derek Ernest Denny-Brown, Photograph: Ludwig Edinger, Photograph: Sir David Ferrier, Photograph: Otfrid Foerster, Photograph: John Farquhar Fulton, Photograph: Ramon Garcin, Photograph: Joseph Godwin Greenfield, Photograph: Camillo Golgi, Photograph: Sir William Richard Gowers, Photograph: Anita Harding, Photograph: Wilfred John Harris, Photograph: Sir Henry Head, Photograph: Salomon Eberhard Henschen, Photograph: Ronald Alfred Henson, Photographs: Sir Victor Horsley, Photograph: Jacques Jean L'Hermitte, Photograph: Eduard Hitzig, Photograph: Conrad Meredyth Hinds Howell, Photograph: Sir Gordon Morgan Holmes, Photograph: Sir Geoffrey Jefferson, Photographs: Robert Foster Kennedy, Photograph: Gonzalo Rodriguez Lafora, Photograph: Valentine Darte Logue, Photograph: Rudolf Magnus, Photograph: Pierre Marie, Photograph: Georg Herman Monrad-Krohn, Photograph: Leslie J Paton, Photographs: William Ian Mcdonald, Photographs: James Purdon Martin, Photograph: Arnold Pick, Photograph: Charles Bland Radcliffe, Photograph: Sir John Russell Reynolds, Photograph: George Riddoch, Photograph: Sir Percy William George Sargent, Photograph: Sir Charles Scott Sherrington, Photograph: Sir Edward Henry Sieveking, Photographs: Thomas Grainger Stewart, Photograph: Sir Charles Putnam Symonds, Photograph: James Taylor, Photograph: André-Thomas, Photograph: Ludo van Bogaert, Photograph: Clovis Vincent, Photograph: Oskar Vogt, Photograph: Robert Wartenberg, Photograph: Karl Weigert, Photographs: Samuel Alexander Kinnier Wilson, Photograph: Carl Wernicke

Storage Reference: 66 files



Date: c1910-2000 Level: Series

Keywords: Libraries,Medical Library Cat status: Catalogued

Keywords: Calm Archives

Compilations: NHNN archives

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