Compilations - selected from the archives by our staff

Hughlings Jackson's unpublished papers

Facsimiles of Hughlings Jackson’s papers held in the archive. These papers were discovered in the library in 2003 by the Librarian and subsequently examined and catalogued by Professor George York.


IoN Annual Reports

Annual Reports from 1950-2006. Reports from 1988 are joint reports with the National Hospital. The 2022-23 Annual Review is available on the ION website. PDFs of the Reports below can be downloaded via the “Request a copy” link within each Record.


Item of the month

A collection of items selected by the Library team


James Samuel Risien Russell (1863-1939) and Macdonald Critchley (1900-1997)

2023 marks the 160th anniversary of the birth of James Samuel Risien Russell and the 100th anniversary of the start of Macdonald Critchley’s career at the National Hospital where he began as a House Physician under Risien Russell. This display ran until mid October 2023 featured photographs, objects, and documents from Queen Square Archives. See photos and handout for further information.


Ladies' Samaritan Society 1861-2014

This exhibition was on display in Queen Square Library from April- August 2014, featuring photographs of founding and current members of the Society, fundraising materials, events and objects. It was curated by Ladies’ Samaritan Society volunteers, who have provided invaluable support to Queen Square Archives over many years. Please see Exhibition Handout on Displays and Events page for further details.


Manhandling the brain: Psychiatric neurosurgery in the mid-20th century

2016 marked 75 years since the first UK pre-frontal leucotomy, a procedure introduced in Portugal in 1935. Over the next 30 years 70,000 people with psychiatric problems were operated on. This art/historical project by Ken Barrett explored these events, alongside their healthcare and academic context. The installation was held in Queen Square Library June-September 2016. Please see exhibition handout and Ken Barrett’s website for further information.


National Hospital Annual Reports

Annual reports of the National Hospital (1860-1947). See also IoN Annual Reports from 1988 which are joint reports with the National Hospital. PDFs of the Reports can be downloaded via the “Request a copy” link within each Record.


National Hospital Board minutes

Board of Management minutes from 1859-1948 (search inside only works from 1926 onwards)


National Hospital Committee minutes

Selected Committee minutes up to 1947, including Medical Committee, Medical School Committee, Massage and Electrical School Committee, Building Committee, House Committee


National Hospital, Queen Square: From Research to Patient

Photographic exhibition held in South Cloisters, UCL Wilkins Building, Gower Street, London, Monday 9 September - Friday 1st November 2013.


Other ways of exploring the archives