4468: 2757: 169
2016 Mixed media work based on the number of pre-frontal leuctomies performed in the UK 194...
Suitcase interior
2015 From Embroidered Minds: William Gowers and the Morris Family exhibition Andrew Thomas...
Suitcase interior
2015 From Embroidered Minds: William Gowers and the Morris Family exhibition Andrew Thomas...
Suitcase interior
2015 From Embroidered Minds: William Gowers and the Morris Family exhibition Andrew Thomas...
Suitcase interior
2015 From Embroidered Minds: William Gowers and the Morris Family exhibition Andrew Thomas...
Detail from post-seizure dress
2015 From Embroidered Minds: William Gowers and the Morris Family exhibition Leslie Forbes...
Epileptic wallpaper with wires
2015 From Embroidered Minds: William Gowers and the Morris Family exhibition Sue Ridge...
Ceramic memory box
2015 From Embroidered Minds: William Gowers and the Morris Family exhibition Andrew Thomas...
2015 From Embroidered Minds: William Gowers and the Morris Family exhibition Caroline Isga...
Map of Queen Square projected onto Nina Saeidi
2015 From Embroidered Minds: William Gowers and the Morris Family exhibition Julia Dwyer &...
Brain x-ray image laid over William Gowers drawing
2015 From Embroidered Minds: William Gowers and the Morris Family exhibition Sue Ridge & W...
Collage page from research sketchbook
2015 From Embroidered Minds: William Gowers and the Morris Family exhibition Sue Ridge C...
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