A film of Queen Square staff in 1933
1 Jan 1933 Six minute silent film footage focusing on individual staff members working at t...
1961 April NH Staff Group
1961 April NH Staff Group 1961 April NH Staff Group - QSA/19608
Professor Anita Harding
Staff Portraits Harding AE Professor Anita Harding - QSA/19607
A film of patients with movement disorders made by Samuel Kinnier Wilson in Queen Square, London in the Mid-1920s
Approx 1 Jan 1924 to 31 Dec 1925 The 20-min silent film includes patients with senile tremo...
Leopold Duke of Albany
Leopold Duke of Albany - QSA/19605
National Hospital nursing history
A collection of materials relating to nursing at the National Hospital. Includes a file o...
Floor cloth incorporating the National Hospital logo
1880 This floor cloth is displayed as part of the Scottish design gallery at the V&A Dundee...
Hughlings Jackson's chair
Desk chair passed to James Taylor, and from him to Gordon Holmes. Held in Queen Square Lib...
Hughlings Jackson bust
Replica bust held in Queen Square Library Hughlings Jackson bust - QSA/19601
A year in Queen Square 1967-68.
2019 Memories of Jock Murray, Professor Emeritus, Dalhousie University, of his time in - an...
Opening of Alexandra House by Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone. June 1963
1963 Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Library. Reprint JAC A20 Opening of Alexandra...
Impact! Brain Injuries and WW1
2019 An overview of the research with interpretations of the experiences of soldiers treate...
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