Results 49 to 60 of 147

Maida Vale Hospital Architects Drawing

Maida Vale Hospital Architects Drawing

Framed B&W drawing of proposed new building digitised by the Queen Square Library, Archiv...


Framed drawing of Convalescent Home at East Finchley

Framed drawing of Convalescent Home at East Finchley

Large framed B&W sketch digitised by the Queen Square Library, Archive and Museum Store 2...


Framed National Hospital staff list 1859-1948

Framed National Hospital staff list 1859-1948

Large framed list of Honorary Medical and Surgical staff of the National Hospital 1859-194...


Framed photograph of Lord Brain

Framed photograph of Lord Brain

Large framed B&W photograph of Lord Walter Russell Brain digitised by the Queen Square Li...


Framed oil painting of Louisa Chandler

Framed oil painting of Louisa Chandler

digitised by the Queen Square Library, Archive and Museum Store 25 Framed oil painting...


Framed photograph of WA Turner

Framed photograph of WA Turner

Signed B&W photograph digitised by the Queen Square Library, Archive and Museum Store 25...


Framed photograph of Richard Hunter

Framed photograph of Richard Hunter

Approx 1980 Framed B&W photograph with caption digitised by the Queen Square Library, Arch...


Reverend J Back portrait

Reverend J Back portrait

Framed photograph of Reverend J Back digitised by the Queen Square Library, Archive and M...


Painting of the National Hospital from the Queen Square garden

Painting of the National Hospital from the Queen Square garden

NHNN/P/109/001. ION Med Photography Photo No C81 Digitised by the Queen Square Library, A...


Artwork showing National Hospital 1885

Artwork showing National Hospital 1885

1885 NHNN/P/106/012. ION Med Photography Photo No C14 Digitised by the Queen Square Librar...


View of Guilford Street from Queen Square

View of Guilford Street from Queen Square

A collection of mounted photographs illustrating the history of Queen Square, the Nationa...


Powis House in Ormond Street

Powis House in Ormond Street

NHNN/P/106/090. ION Med Photography Photo No C/4 Digitised by the Queen Square Library, A...


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