Maida Vale Hospital kitchens
Maida Vale Hospital kitchens Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Maida Vale Hospital...
Maida Vale Hospital dispensary
Maida Vale Hospital dispensary Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Maida Vale Hospita...
Maida Vale Hospital typists room
Maida Vale Hospital typists room Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Maida Vale Hospi...
Maida Vale Hospital Gymnasium
Maida Vale Hospital gymnasium Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Maida Vale Hospital...
Maida Vale Hospital Gymnasium
Maida Vale Hospital gymnasium Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Maida Vale Hospital...
Maida Vale Hospital interior
Maida Vale Hospital Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Maida Vale Hospital interior...
Maida Vale Hospital consulting room
Maida Vale Hospital consulting room Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Maida Vale Ho...
Maida Vale Hospital outpatients
Maida Vale Hospital waiting room Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Maida Vale Hospi...
Maida Vale Hospital waiting room
Maida Vale Hospital waiting room Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Maida Vale Hospi...
Maida Vale Hospital Staff
Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Maida Vale Hospital Staff - QSA/2068
Maida Vale Hospital Staff
Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Maida Vale Hospital Staff - QSA/2064
Maida Vale Hospital
Maida Vale Hospital facade Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Maida Vale Hospital -...
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