Nurses Group in Queen Square Garden
Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Nurses Group in Queen Square Garden - QSA/2082
Nurse education
digitised by the Queen Square Archive Nurse education - QSA/2101
Matron Ling, Geoffrey Robinson and Isobel Cummings
Matron Ling, Geoffrey Robinson and Isobel Cummings - QSA/2001
Sister Windebank
1960 Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Sister Windebank - QSA/2022
Three Nurses on the steps of the Hospital, inlcuding Isobel Cummings
Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Three Nurses on the steps of the Hospital, inlcu...
Bomb damage to Elizabeth Morgan Ward
1940 ION Med Illustration Photo No C67 Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Bomb damage...
Diana Princess of Wales
Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Diana Princess of Wales - QSA/1678
Nurses Training School 1935
1935 6715P Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Nurses Training School 1935 - QSA/2097
Linen sale in the Hospital
Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Linen sale in the Hospital - QSA/2095
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